Decadent Chocolate Milkshake with a Healthy Twist

Happy National Chocolate Milkshake Day!
Indulge your taste buds and celebrate this delicious occasion with our Decadent Chocolate Milkshake recipe. We've added a twist to make it even more special – and for those looking for a healthy alternative, we've got you covered too. Get ready to blend up a creamy, chocolatey delight with the help of your Kalorik® Blender and Mad Hungry Silicone Spurtle Set. Whether you're in the mood for pure indulgence or a protein-packed treat, this recipe has something for everyone.

Equipment Options:

Serving Portions: 2 Chocolate Milkshakes

Preparation Time: 10 minutes


  • 2 cups of chocolate ice cream
  • 1/2 cup of whole milk
  • 1/4 cup of chocolate syrup
  • 1/4 cup of chocolate chips (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 1 scoop of chocolate protein powder (for a healthy twist)
  • Whipped cream (for topping)
  • Chocolate shavings or mint leaves (for garnish)


  1. Blend the Base:
    • In your Kalorik® Blender, combine the chocolate ice cream, whole milk, chocolate syrup, and vanilla extract.
    • For a protein-packed option, add a scoop of chocolate protein powder.
    • Blend until smooth and creamy.
  2. Add the Chocolate Chips (Optional):
    • If you want an extra chocolaty crunch, add the chocolate chips to the blender.
    • Pulse a few times to incorporate them into the milkshake.
  3. Serve and Garnish:
    • Use the Mad Hungry Silicone Spurtles to help scoop and serve the milkshake into glasses.
    • Top each milkshake with a generous dollop of whipped cream.
    • Garnish with chocolate shavings or a fresh mint leaf for an elegant twist.
  4. Chef's Tip:
    • For an even more decadent variation, consider adding crushed candy bars or a drizzle of caramel sauce.
    • To turn this into a post-workout protein shake, increase the protein powder and add a handful of spinach or a banana for added vitamins and nutrients. Blend until well combined and enjoy your healthy treat!

Celebrate National Chocolate Milkshake Day with this rich and customizable chocolate milkshake recipe, perfect for indulgence or post-workout recovery.